
Pastor Charles Caradine is the ordained Pastor of the King Solomon Baptist Church.  He is a native of Little Rock, Arkansas.  He was born and raised in Little Rock and upon graduation from High School he enlisted in the United States Army.  He was called into the Gospel ministry in October 1993 in Wildflecken, Germany.  During his time in the Army he has served in various countries around the world and in the United States.  His experience in the military afforded him the opportunity to serve in and minster in various denominational settings including Full Gospel, Full Gospel Baptist, Pentecostal, Pentecostal Apostolic Worship and the Church of God in Christ.  These diverse opportunities have been invaluable in enabling him to be the minister he is today.  Prior to coming to King Solomon he served as Youth Pastor for the Greater Second Baptist Church in Little Rock for nine years.  He retired from the Army in 2007 after 23 years of Active Service.  He is currently the Assistant Director of the Dreamland Academy charter school in Little Rock.   He is also the Founder of Charles Caradine Ministries a 501c3 non-profit ministry that provides outreach to local men’s shelters and domestic violence homes.  Pastor Caradine has a heart for the hurting.  He believes that God has an answer for every situation or circumstance that life may bring and that you are only an instruction away from success.  Hence his favorite book of the Bible is the book of Proverbs.  He and his wife Tracey have four adult children and reside in Little Rock, Arkansas.

First Lady

First Lady Tracey Caradine.

Worship Times

We joyfully invite you to come and enjoy a Spirit-filled worship experience like none other. Where you are Empowered, Encouraged  & Equipped by the preaching and teaching of the Word of God!


8 A.M.  Early Morning Worship

9:30 A.M. Sunday School Christian Growth classes (all ages)

11 A.M  Morning Worship


7 P.M.  Mid-Week Bible Study

(Nursery services are provided during 11 am services and each Wednesday night)

What We Believe

What We Believe
We believe the Bible in its entirety to be the inspired and infallible Word of God: and that it is the divinely authoritative standard for every age and every life. (II Timothy 3:16-17) 
We believe that the Godhead eternally exists in three persons (the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) and that three is one God, who is creator of all things. (Genesis 1:1-3, 26; I John 5:7-8)
We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the first and only begotten Son of God, who was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of Mary, was crucified, died and buried, was resurrected, ascended into heaven and now sits at the right hand of God the Father. (St. John 3:16; St. Luke 24:7; I Corinthians15:12-23)
We believe in personal salvation of believers through the shed blood of Jesus Christ by accepting Christ as Savior. (Romans 10:9-13; Acts 4:12)
We believe that a true believer is eternally secure, that he cannot lose his salvation, but that sin may interrupt the joy of his Fellowship with God and bring loving discipline of his Heavenly Father. (Ephesians 2:8-10; St. John 10:22-30)
We believe that the present-day ministry of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a godly life and is empowered for witness and service. We believe that all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are operative today. (Galatians 5:16-25; I Corinthians 12:4-11)
We believe that everyone who receives Christ becomes joint heirs with Him, and at death, their spirit departs to be with Christ and at His second coming their bodies will be raised to the likeness of the body of His glory. (1Thessalonians 4:13-18)
We believe in water baptism, through immersion as an act of obedience and in Holy Communion (the Lord’s Supper), and that they should be observed by all believers until His return. (I Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 6:3-7; St. Matthew 26:26-29; I Corinthians 11:23-26)
We believe in sanctification, separation unto holiness is a definite, yet progressive work of grace, beginning at salvation and continuing throughout the life of the believer. (Hebrews 12:14; I Thessalonians 5:23)
We believe that God anoints leaders to guide His Church in the understanding and application of the Holy Scriptures. It is their responsibility to be examples of godliness as they see to the spiritual well-being and protection of the flock over which God has given them charge. (Acts 6:1-8; Acts 20:28; Hebrews 13:17; I Peter 5:1-3)

Contact Us

KSBC Staff

Pastor: Charles Caradine Jr.

Youth Pastor: Rev Brandon Doston

Family Life Pastor:  Rev Lamont Dotson

Outreach Pastor: Rev Steve Leeks

Pastor Emeritus: Pastor Nathanial Hall

Associate Ministers:

  1. Rev. Franklin Furlough
  2. Rev. Ricky Calhoun
  3. Rev. Byron Calhoun 
  4. Rev. Stacy Lee 
  5. Rev. Lamont Dotson
  6. Rev. Brandon Doston
  7. Rev. Steve Leeks    

Financial Secretary: Charlotte Nelson

Correspondence Secretary: Collette Bryant

Custodian: Carolyn Dillard

Environmental Specialist: Neil Greene

Deacon Chair: Carlos Booker

Trustee Chair: Brenda Van Norton

Mission Statment

Mission Statement

The Mission of the King Solomon Baptist Church is to go into all the world and make disciples of all nations through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.   We strive to do this through the teaching of the Word of God and the raising up of believers who will Walk By Faith and give visible demonstration of the Goodness of God through changed lives!

Adult Praise Dance Ministry

Mission Statement

The Adult Praise Dance Ministry are missionaries for Christ. We focus on displaying our anointing of the Holy Ghost through our dance and life style.

Young Men Praise Dance Ministry

The Young Men Praise Dance Ministry are missionaries for Christ. We focus on displaying our anointing of the Holy Ghost through our dance and life style.

Young Women Praise Dance Ministry

The Young Women Praise Dance Ministry are missionaries for Christ. We focus on displaying our anointing of the Holy Ghost through our dance and life style.

Children Praise Dance Ministry

The Young Boys and Girls Praise Dance Ministry are missionaries for Christ. We focus on displaying our anointing of the Holy Ghost through our dance and life style.

Sunday School

King Solomon Baptist Church Sunday School Missions Statements.
The mission of King Solomon Baptist Church Sunday School is to serve the Lord Jesus Christ by teaching the truths of His Word by educating the adults and preparing children for life in the world and life in heaven. King Solomon Baptist Church Sunday School, serving families through inspiring life-long commitment to the Lord’s three-fold Word. King Solomon Baptist Church Sunday School, where the Word of God is taught with affection so adults and children may seek and find the Lord in their own lives.

Choir Ministry

King Solomon Baptist Church Choir mission is usher the church into the presence of God through singing.
Psalms 100: 2 Serve the Lord with gladness: come before his presence with singing.  

Couples Ministry

The KSBC Couples ministry is designed to strengthen the married couples of the church in their relationships.  The Couples ministry develops and coordinates events external to the church for couples to come together for fellowship and growth.  The ministry is a vital element to the strength of the church, for strong families make strong churches!! 

Usher Ministry

The Ushers Ministry of King Solomon Baptist Church are called to serve God by ministering to the needs of everyone who enters King Solomon’s sanctuary.   

Usher meetings are held every 3rd Saturday at 12:00 P.M. 

Youth Ushers meet each 4th Saturday at 12:00 P.M. 

Senior's Ministry

Mission Statement
In keeping with God’s mission for the church, our mission is to reach out in God’s name with his love to the community and beyond in visiting nursing homes, women's prisons, homeless shelters and daycare centers to share our time and resources.

Senior’s ministry meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 1:00 P.M. 

Youth Ministry

Mission Statement
The mission of the youth department is to motivate, encourage, and empower youth and young adults through the teaching of the word of God and creating a climate where youth can grow in their God-given talents.
Our Youth Department is comprised of the following ministries:
Youth Ushers
Youth Choir
Male and Female Praise Dancers
Youth Church (ages 6-12 held 2nd and 3rd Sundays)
Nursery (ages 0-5 each Wednesday and during 11 am services)
Youth Bible Study Groups each Wednesday 7-8 pm

Singles Ministry (SWAP)

The purpose of the Singles Ministry is to cultivate healthy relationsships among the single members of the church.  The Singles Ministry is designed to offer opportunities for fellowship to single members of the church in an environment where Jesus Christ is recognized and each single is encouraged to grow in his/her spiritual walk.  In addition to fellowship the singles ministry is an active supporter of the Women and Children's First domestic violence shelter.   

Outreach Ministry

The purpose of the KSBC Outreach Ministry is twofold.  The first function is the spreading of the Gospel into the local community through distribution of Christian and Church literature by means of mail-outs, hand-outs and door to door evangelism.  Secondly, the Outreach ministry is active in the community through feeding programs, clothing assistance, prison ministry, school supply distribution and other areas of assistance to fulfill the call of Jesus to be a Blessing to the world 

Laymans Ministry (Brotherhood)

The layman's ministry is a ministry designed to unite the men of King Solomon Baptist Church.  The ministry strives to develop men into God fearing men, husbands and parents.  The ministry is designed to edify both single and married men.  The layman's ministry meets the first Saturday of each month in the church fellowship hall from 8:30-9:30 AM.    

Drama Ministry

King Solomon Baptist Drama Ministry is another form of expressing our love for Jesus Christ through expressing our love for each other through art of drama.

New Members

The new members ministry is design to enhance the new members experience through Biblical information, King Solomon Baptist Church beliefs and through  training driven by scriptures.